Which medicine is used for stomach pain, Ayurvedic medicine and treatment of stomach pain (Afra).

                                                                   Abdominal pain is a common problem. There can be many reasons for this. If you also have stomach pain often, then instead of eating medicine, try home remedies, because eating more medicine for stomach pain can prove harmful to your body. Let's know some home remedies to get rid of stomach ache ....

1. Bake the parsley on the griddle and grind it. Take half spoon of this powder and drink cold water. Abdominal pain will go away.

2. Mix black salt in the powder of parsley and take it with lukewarm water, relieves stomach discomfort. 

3. Sucking dry ginger also provides relief in stomachache. 

4. Chewing cumin seeds also provides relief in stomachache. 

5. By dissolving asafetida in half a bowl of water, applying this water on the stomach provides relief. 

6. Stomach ache is also cured by drinking tea without milk. 

7. Boil mint leaves. Drain and drink this water. There will be benefit in abdominal pain. 

8. Drinking lemon in lukewarm water also provides relief in stomachache.

9. Finely chop ginger and boil it in warm water, and drink, do it immediately in the stomach pain due to constipation or gas. 

10. Taking honey mixed with ginger juice also reduces stomachache. 

11. Mixing half a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of turmeric with cold water provides relief in stomachache. 

12. If there is burning sensation along with stomach pain, drinking a little sweet soda in cold water is beneficial. 

13. Chew 3-4 cardamom seeds after a meal and drink lemonade, it also reduces stomachache.


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